
The 10-in-1 device with which no blackout or excursion will worry you!

The 10-in-1 device with which no blackout or excursion will worry you!

شارك هذا الخصم مع العائلة والأصدقاء
Protect yourself and your loved ones with this state-of-the-art device. Ideal for power outages, hiking and camping.


Recently there have been growing rumours of a possible global power blackout. Purchases of candles, sleeping bags, gas cookers, bottled water, etc. have increased. But until now, nobody had thought of a device as complete as this one to have at home or on excursions.

With Qinux Brick Pro you will have lighting and electricity wherever you are.

Qinux Brick Pro is an all-rounder: it has so many functions that you're sure to find more uses for it than we have. The main thing is that it will serve as a portable battery to charge your electronic devices, as a torch or ambient light and as an analogue radio. Three fundamental points as a product for survival and well-being in difficult situations.


Its 5000mAg battery and quick charge function will help you to charge your mobile phone regardless of the brand you have. In addition, its high-powered head torch can illuminate the darkest spaces, and its ambient light will be useful for not consuming a lot of energy when you are standing somewhere and simply need a dimmer light.

Charge your mobile devices wherever you are thanks to its 5000mAh battery - twice as much as a mobile phone!

Analogue FM/AM radio with receiving antenna


In case of a power outage or if you are in a remote location, this function can be very useful: the Qinux Brick Pro analogue radio will pick up even the weakest signals thanks to its 12-centimetre receiving antenna. It has automatic tuning and in just a few seconds you can be receiving all the signals that pass by your location.

Bluetooth speaker and high-powered micro SD card

Another thing that will surprise you is the volume and bass power it can achieve. By connecting it to your bluetooth device or inserting a TF card, you'll get better sound quality than with the radio. And really, it sounds amazing!


In fact, the Qinux Brick Pro will serve as a simple speakerphone even without a blackout. Whether you want to take it into any room in your house, while you're cooking or your kids are having fun with it, you'll love this device.

Charge it with your solar panel, dynamo or C-cable.


It's waterproof too!

One of the most important things in extreme situations is to be able to rely on your radio or torch under any circumstances. That's why the engineers at Qinux Brick Pro decided to make it possible to charge it in several ways: with its manual dynamo, with the integrated solar panel or with the C-type charging cable. And what's more... they made it waterproof! The device is IP68 certified so water won't be a problem (be careful to close the back cover when you get yours).


A great option to consider in case you need it.

And believe it or not, there's even more!

SOS function and compass

The Qinux Brick Pro has an integrated magnetic compass, so you can find your way around wherever you are. What's more, it's attached to the ambient light so you can consult it even in total darkness.

And another thing it has built in (although we hope you never have to use it) is the SOS button. Pressing it will emit a high-pitched alarm sound at maximum volume, making it easy for anyone nearby to locate you. Finally, the Qinux Brick Pro comes with a carabiner so you can hang it around your waist and always have it accessible while you're walking or doing something.

The best option on the market


أنا سعيد للغاية بشراء هذا المنتج! إنه يلبي جميع التوقعات، بالإضافة إلى أن الشحن سريع ويأتي في صندوق محمي جيداً. كنت أبحث في مراجعات لعلامات تجارية أخرى ولم أقتنع بأي منها على الإطلاق. لقد صادفت أخيرًا هذه العلامة التجارية بهذا المنتج ورأيت أن كل شيء تقريبًا كان إيجابيًا.

جودة ممتازة بالنسبة للسعر والتسليم سريع. إن الموقع يقدم العديد من المزايا لكبار السن ... أسعار جيدة، والطلب وصل في اليوم المحدد. لقد قمت بشراء عبوتين لأنه كان بأفضل سعر مقارنة بالجودة من بين جميع خياراتي وسأطلب المزيد بالتأكيد.

كانت هذه هي المرة الأولى التي أشتري فيها شيئًا كهذا، لقد كنت أشعر دائمًا بالولاء لبعض العلامات التجارية المعروفة والتي تكون أيضًا أكثر تكلفة. الفرق في السعر ومراجعات المنتج الجيدة مقارنة بالمنتجات المماثلة الأخرى هو ما جعلني أقرر تجربته أخيرًا. بعد عدة أسابيع من الاستخدام، يجب أن أقول إنني راضٍ للغاية. إنها عملية شراء جيدة للغاية، أوصي به بشدة!

Get your Qinux Brick Pro now with the launch promotion!

Just follow these 3 steps to get your Qinux Brick Pro with the launch discount:
1. Add the product to your shopping cart.

2. Click "Continue" and fill in your shipping and payment details.

3. Receive the product at home and enjoy your Qinux Brick Pro.

Main advantages:

  • You can always have electricity for your electronic devices thanks to its dynamo and solar charging panel.

  • It has a built-in torch and ambient light to perfectly illuminate whatever you need.

  • AM/FM radio, Bluetooth speaker and TF card reader so you can listen to anything with its powerful speaker.

  • Waterproof, with compass and SOS button to maximise its usefulness when hiking or camping.


  • Only sold in its official shop.

Frequently asked questions:

How long does the battery last?

Yes. It has 5000 mAh, about twice as much as any next-generation smartphone.

Is the torch powerful?

Yes. In fact, it's more powerful than many torches sold individually.

Is it easy to use?

Of course it is! Plus, it comes with detailed instructions to help you with any questions you may have.

Does it weigh a lot?

No, it weighs less than 450g, which makes it comfortable to carry. With its carabiner clip you'll hardly notice you're carrying it.

Today's special offer: get 50% off and free shipping

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Disclaimer: This website is an advertisement and not a news publication. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. The information provided herein should not be considered a substitute for the advice of a physician or other health care professional. This product is not intended for medical use. They may be useful in certain high-risk situations but never as a substitute. As each individual is different, results may vary.

Qinux Brick Pro

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2. Receive the product at your home and enjoy your Qinux Brick Pro

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